Happy Resurrection Day!

Not only is today Resurrection Sunday (also known as Easter), but it also happens to be my youngest daughter’s birthday.
I can’t believe my baby is already four years old!
Abby loves to craft, and so do her siblings, so we’ll be celebrating both “special events” at once with some of the following activities.
We hope you have a lovely, Christ-centered holiday, as well!
Fun Ideas for Celebrating Christ’s Resurrection
1. Empty Tomb Craft
I love this simple paper plate craft. It is fast and easy, especially with the free printable figures provided in this post: Empty Tomb Craft

2. Pretty Easter Scherenschnitte
Older children (and moms!) might enjoy this craft, based on the old German art of scherenschnitte. Isn’t it lovely? You’ll find a free printable template at this papercutting blog: just print and cut along the indicated lines. For best results, you’ll want to use very tiny, sharp scissors. (I used nail scissors when I was first learning, but later invested in a pair of art scissors made specifically for scherenschnitte).
3. Sing a few Easter Hymns
Here’s a little something to sing while we work. I love the old hymn, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” but the one I remember best from childhood is this one (follow this link for free printable sheet music):
4. Create a Cross of Pom Poms
And because my children love any craft involving pom poms, we’ll do this one, too. You can find directions and another free printable template from A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts.
5. Share the Good News
And lastly, we’ll be watching the following short video (again). It shares the good news of Easter, with a little help from Disney. Although my little Abby hasn’t seen any of the Disney princess movies yet, she loves dressing up like them and seeing their pictures in this clip:
Let them know. Let them know! We need to tell the whole world that Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed!
Want more fun ideas and meaningful craft projects for spring? Check out our brand new Easter Print Pack. It’s in the shop now!

Thank you for the Easter ideas….keeping it Christ centered. Love the He Is Risen!