Color-Your-Own Valentines (Free Printable)

As a child, my favorite part of Valentine’s Day was getting to make my own. Back when I was growing up, valentines didn’t come in boxes, but in books. And you had to invest some time and effort into crafting them (kind of like the color-your-own valentines I’m sharing today).
I’d spend hours cutting and pasting and folding on the dotted lines, getting them ready to hand out to my little classmates at school. Even the envelopes had to be hand cut and glued together.
They were always cute, but a little corny. Like this “I’m gonna POP a CORNY question” valentine:

… and this “You suit me to a TEA” valentine:

… and (especially, since I dreamed of one day being an astronaut) this cute little card that reads, “I’d like to PLANET so that we’re valentines”:

Alas, it has been years since I’ve seen one of those giant books of make-your-own valentines. But in the spirit of those yesteryear crafting sessions, I offer you this free printable set of color-your-own valentines:
Print them out, color them in, cut them apart, and share them with the ones you love. Enjoy!
Is coloring not your thing? Or are you running short on time? No worries! We’ve got lots of other free valentine styles to choose from. Follow this link to view them all: Free Printable Valentines
Or you can save time by grabbing a copy of my new Valentine Print Pack and download all of these resources, along with games, quizzes, coloring pages, treat bag toppers, stickers, tracts, decorations, and lots, lots more in a single click:

Thank you so much for sharing, These are so special.
Sure thing. It was a fun project!