Word on Wednesday: Proverbs 18:22
Proverbs 18:22 tells us, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”
That verse is near and dear to my heart for two reasons: First, because I sincerely want it to be my husband’s testimony of me.

It would make me so sad to think that my actions and attitudes toward the man I married would ever cause him to doubt the truth of this verse. Know what I mean?
That’s why so much of what I think and read and write about centers on strengthening and nurturing my marriage.
If that is one of your goals, too, I’d encourage you to visit my Love Your Husband Facebook page or my Loving Life at Home blog for lots of Biblical encouragement in that vein.
But the second reason this verse means a lot to me is because of what happened last week: My third-born proposed to his sweetheart the day after Valentine’s.

If you were to ask David, he’d tell you he’s found a very good thing, indeed, in this precious girl who will soon be his bride and a beloved member of our family. Don’t they look sweet together?

So Proverbs 18:22 is the memory verse our family is working on this week. You’ll find it in the second set of our Scripture Memory Flashcards:
And for extra practice on Proverbs 18:22 (and other passages), I’ve made more handwriting printables, as well:
Plus, in case you need them, here are links to the first set of flashcards and practice sheets, too:
May God bless your efforts to hide His word in your heart!
Congratulations on the coming wedding !