WOW: 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
Today’s Word on Wednesday is 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, which centers on a gardening theme.
A while back, our son Benjamin built our family a raised vegetable garden. Most of our yard is shaded, so he found the sunniest spot available and placed it there.
He planted and tended it himself the first season we had it, but as he is busy now with college classes, he’s passed the responsibility down to younger siblings.
These three are my most avid gardeners this season:
Gabriel (the one on the left) has been especially vigilant in tending the plants. He pulls weeds, harvests what’s ripe, provides daily progress reports, and points out to anybody who’ll look each little bud, blossom, and burgeoning fruit that appears.
Gabriel views every string bean or green tomato as some sort of miracle (which is exactly what it is). He’s happy to have played a role in planting and watering them, but he recognizes the fact that only God can cause his little plants to grow and thrive and produce a harvest.
It works the same way in the spiritual realm as it does in the physical. Paul writes:
I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:6-7, NASB)
Yes, we need to be faithful about sharing the gospel, planting seeds, nourishing spiritual truth in the lives of those around us, but we must entrust the results to God, knowing that He alone can change hearts by causing that implanted Word to take root and grow.
This week’s verse can be found in the fourth set of our Scripture Memory Flashcards:
And for extra practice, I’ve made more handwriting printables, as well, in your choice of manuscript or cursive:
To download all four memory verse sets we’ve published so far, simply click on the links below:
- Scripture Memory Cards – Set 1
- Scripture Memory Cards – Set 2
- Scripture Memory Cards – Set 3
- Scripture Memory Cards – Set 4
Here are the corresponding copywork pages in manuscript:
- Memory Verse Manuscript Copywork – Set 1
- Memory Verse Manuscript Copywork – Set 2
- Memory Verse Manuscript Copywork – Set 3
- Memory Verse Manuscript Copywork – Set 4
And here are the same sets in cursive:
- Memory Verse Cursive Copywork – Set 1
- Memory Verse Cursive Copywork – Set 2
- Memory Verse Cursive Copywork – Set 3
- Memory Verse Cursive Copywork – Set 4
Additionally, I’ve uploaded a progress chart to help you keep track of which verses your child has already memorized (some of the verses listed are from sets of flashcards sets I’ll be publishing in the future).
May God honor your efforts to hide His Word in your heart!