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How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols?

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols

Every December, my children’s piano teacher hosts a wonderful brunch and cookie exchange for the mothers of her students.

It is always such fun. I look forward to it all year long.

In addition to delicious food and great company, she plans entertainment, usually in the form of some music-related quiz.

It’s normally pretty challenging, but she gives prizes for both high scores and low scores. I came home with one of the high score prizes this year.

We were tested on our knowledge of Christmas carols. Some of the songs included are very old and obscure, but the fact that I sang in choir for so many years really put me at an advantage.

I’ve compiled a similar Christmas Carol Quiz to share with you.

Test your knowledge and see how you do… or, better yet, print off several copies and play this game at your next Christmas party or family gathering.

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols?

Can you sing all the standard carols by heart? If so, you shouldn’t have any trouble pairing these old familiar carols to the lyrics they contain. Try your hand and see how many you can match up!

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols

Don’t forget to download the answer key for our “How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols” Quiz. You will need it in case you get stumped — but no fair peeking at the answers until you’ve done your best to figure them out on your own!

If you love Christmas games as much as we do, follow this link to browse through all the games I’ve posted in the past: Free Printable Christmas Party Games. Or visit my Christmas Party Games Pinterest Board for even more ideas.

Pressed for time? Follow the link below to download 12 of my newest Christmas party games (with answer keys) in a single click!

12 Days of All New Party Games

Do you know somebody who might enjoy these Christmas games? We’d be ever so grateful if you would forward this post to them or share it on social media using the buttons below!

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols Party Game

UPDATE: Thanks to an alert reader who kindly let me know I’d missed a typo, these files have been updated so my answer key now matches the actual quiz. Sorry for any frustration the first post may have caused! 🙂

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  1. Hello,
    I was looking for Christmas ideas for our upcoming Women’s Fellowship December get together. I love the “How Well do you know your Christmas Carols?” Thank You!

    1. I’m not sure why the link isn’t working for you, Carla. Maybe because you have a pop-up blocker? Regardless, I just emailed you a copy directly. Let me know if it doesn’t come through, and I’ll try getting it to you another way. Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you for this download! I am thankful to have found your page…I found it searching for a scripture coloring page. I follow you on FB but don’t use any other social media.
    It is refreshing looking around…so many blogs have lost the old-fashioned family feel. We are also a large family so I love reading about others. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome, Bonnie. Glad you found us. Hope you and your big family have a merry and meaningful Christmas!

  3. Dear Flanders Family,

    I’ve been working on our Company Christmas party and your games and answer keys have been so helpful!! I really appreciate you sharing these for us to use. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you so much for the free game booklet. I was looking for some Christmas games for our writer’s group of 15 to 20 people.

  5. I printed off How well do you know your Christmas Carols sheet but it won’t let me see the answers. Can you send me the answers?

  6. I love your site and games as well. The family is going to love them. Unfortunately I was unable to download the Big book of games, my computer wouldn’t do it. I will share your site with the teachers at school and the families at church. Thank you so much for all your hard work. May you and yours be Blessed this Christmas.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Rae. I’m sorry you had trouble downloading the book. It’s a big file with lots of graphics and too large to send directly through email, so I compressed it and sent it to you using WeTransfer. Let me know if your computer will accept it that way.

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