Free Printable Attendance Record & Academic Calendar

I’ve gotten several requests from readers lately asking about academic calendars and/or a free printable attendance record. Most recently, I received the following sweet message:
Hi, Jennifer.
I know this school year just ended but I can’t wait to get next year’s academic calendar!!! I’ve been using them for the last 2 years and I LOVE THEM!! Please post soon!!!
Passionately Serving the Lord!!

Well, I sent Amy a link the same day I got her letter, so she could download the calendar she was looking for. But I thought I’d let the rest of my readers know that it’s available, too.

You can always find calendars for the current school year by following this link: Free Printable Calendars (scroll to the bottom of the post for the academic calendars).
I also received a request recently for a free printable attendance record. For years, I’ve just used an academic calendar like the one pictured above to keep track of our school days. But it sounded like this reader was looking for a dedicated form, so here’s what I came up with:

Didn’t that turn out pretty? Although I don’t personally use this printable for tracking school attendance, I have started using it for monitoring my progress on other goals. That’s because both these charts make great habit trackers, too.
To use either for that purpose, just print out the one you want, then mark each day you successfully meet your goal. Once you’ve completed whatever good habit you are trying to build (or avoided whatever bad habit you’re attempting to break for a full 24 hours), check off the box for that date. How long can you go without breaking your success streak?
In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy using this pretty printable Attendance Chart. Happy schooling!

Jennifer, this is the most darling attendance tracker I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for generously offering it to us for free.
You’re so welcome, Mandy. I’m glad you like it!
Thank you for the attendance record sheet. Every other website wanted something for a basic copy. I love yours!!!
God bless.
I’m so glad to hear that, Kasie. If you need something less fancy/ more official looking, you can also use my academic calendar to keep track of attendance. You can find all our current years’ calendars here.
Thank you for sharing your talents with the world! I am withdrew my child from public school today and am a little overwhelmed by all that I need to keep track of. Thank you for making it easier for me to keep track of attendance! 🙂
\”/ New home school mom
God bless you, Marrian. That’s a lot to think about all at once, I know. But keep faithfully plugging away at it, and you’ll soon find your stride. I hope you and your student will find homeschooling as richly rewarding as our family has!
Would love to see a 2020-2021 School Year printable calendar! (only see the 2019-2020 one)
Sorry… I’ve been slow adding it to this list. Until I do, you’ll find the one you’re looking for here:
Thank you for sharing your calendars. It is a true time saver.
So glad to hear it, Linda. I’m all about saving time and being efficient!
Thank you so much for this attendance page! I’m using it for the second year now and wish I’d had it five years ago!
I’m so glad you like it, Andrea. Some of my most popular printables were inspired by reader requests! If there’s anything else you need but can’t find, let me know, and I’ll see what I can do about it. 🙂
Thanks! I love your academic calendar!