By Wisdom a House is Built (Coloring Page)
Today marks the end of our two-week summer road trip.
It’s been lots of fun (and I’ll be posting more in the coming weeks about some of the stuff we did while we were gone) — but as always, it will be nice to be back home.
So I thought for today’s coloring page, I’d share this design:
Just as it requires a lot of wisdom and knowledge and skilled labor to build a house, it takes wisdom and know-how and work to make that house a home.
And it also takes lots of love.
By the way, this coloring page is now available in Spanish, too:
If you like coloring, then come back next week — I post a new coloring page every Sunday — or browse all the pages I’ve published in the past by following this link: Free Christian Coloring Pages.
In the meantime, take a look at my devotional journals. At over 200 pages a piece, they are packed with writing prompts, coloring pages, word studies, and lots and lots of Bible verses. You can read more about them here.
Or — if you’d prefer to skip the journaling exercises — check out my Scripture-based coloring books. Although these were designed specifically for grown-ups, they are good for all ages. What’s more, all four volumes are available in Spanish, too! I’m super-excited about that!