A Wise Woman Builds (Coloring Page)
Hello, Friends! Today is Sunday, so I have another coloring page for you. This one is based on Proverbs 14:1: “A wise woman builds her house. But the foolish one tears hers down with her own hands.”
I love this verse. It ties in beautifully with so many things that’ve been going on in my life lately.
I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything on this site. As you may recall, I took a break from blogging so I could deal with the wall-to-wall boxes that had been relegated to my garage after our recent move. Last time I wrote, our garage looked like this:

But now it looks like this:

As you can see, there are still a few baskets along the wall that need some attention, but it’s a vast improvement over the before picture, don’t you think? I sorted through about half the boxes, put away the things I intended to keep, sent two huge truckloads of stuff to Goodwill, and stashed the remaining boxes on the shelves in an adjoining storage room until I have time to sort through those, too.
In the meantime, we no longer have to look at a massive pile of clutter every time we open the garage door! Hooray!
This “Wise Woman Builds” printable first appeared in one of my Color the Word coloring books. If you like coloring, check out these bound collections:
I’ve also written a full line of devotional journals. They feature a few coloring pages, as well as writing prompts, word studies, prayer guides, plus scripture verses and beautiful vintage artwork on nearly every page.