Andrew Jackson Quote Coloring Page

In honor of our seventh president’s birthday today (March 15) — and as a way of pushing back against cancel culture — I am sharing a coloring page based on one of Andrew Jackson’s quotes.
I don’t agree with everything President Jackson ever did or said. But I fully endorse the declaration featured in this free printable. “The Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rests.”
If the USA seems shakier today than in generations past, it is not because the Word of God has changed. Jesus Christ, the Living Word, is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” (Isaiah 40:8)
To the degree that America strays from those timeless principles, she is in danger of crumbling.
Not because her foundations have eroded — that Rock is as solid and sure as ever — but because so many elected officials, activist judges, tenured university professors, and gullible voters have decided the solid footing on which our country was built is not good enough.
So they’ve done everything in their power to tear down our system of government, brick by brick. And what they’re cobbling together to replace it is being constructed, not on the unchanging truth of Scripture, but on the shifting sands of cancel culture, revisionist history, and political correctness.
It’s a sad thing to see. But the situation is not hopeless. Because, as Christians, we can individually choose to rest upon and live according to the never-changing Word of God, no matter what the rest of our nation or the world chooses to do.

I received a message from a reader from South Carolina (Jackson’s birth state) who wanted a copy of this quote with Jackson’s picture on it instead of the preacher I’ve sketched above, so here is an altered version, for anybody else who might be interested in this rendition:

I also have another coloring page that features an Andrew Jackson quote alongside his portrait. You can find that one here:

And if you want to download my whole series of Presidential quotes, check out my In Their Own Words print pack.

More American Heritage Printables
Want more fun printables for folks who love America and long for it to be great again? You can browse through all of our past patriotic posts by following this link: American Heritage Printables. And for more great quotes from our past commanders-in-chief, check out this President’s Day post.
Or maybe you’d prefer a bound volume. If so, check out my devotional journals. The one in the center of the lineup below, God Bless America, was made just for patriotic citizens like you.
Packed with inspiring thoughts from our founding fathers and other great Americans, this journal will inspire you to think deeply about what it means to be a citizen of this great country. What is our responsibility to the rest of the world? How do we ensure the guiding principles on which our nation was established are never forgotten? Consider how you feel about these matters and use the space provided to write down your thoughts.

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