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Scrambled Bible Verse Easter Egg Puzzles

Scrambled Bible Verse Easter Egg Puzzles -

Today I’m sharing a Scrambled Bible Verse Easter Egg Puzzle. I hide these eggs on Easter Sunday and let the children find them.

Resurrection Day Activities

Once they’ve found them all, we lay them out, one color at a time. Then we work together to arrange each scrambled Bible verse in order, discussing what any unfamiliar word means as we go.

Resurrection Day Activities

I cut my original Easter eggs out of plastic file folders years ago and used a sharpie to write the verses. One word per egg. They’re very durable and have held up well for well over a decade. Recently, I designed two printable versions of these scrambled Bible Verses. Scroll down to download yours today.

Instructions for Use

The first set of plain eggs works great when printing on colored card stock. You can even laminate them for extra durability. That way, you’ll be able to reuse the same eggs year after year, like we do.

Scrambled Bible Verse Easter Egg Puzzles

  • Pink (1 page): “God loved us and sent His Son.” -1 John 4:10
  • Orange (1 page): “He has risen, just as He said.” – Matthew 28:6
  • Yellow (3 pages): “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9
  • Green (3 pages): “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
  • Blue (2 pages): “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” – Romans 6:23
  • Lavender (2 pages): “Greater love has no one than this: that he lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13

Scrambled Bible Verse Easter Egg Puzzles

Pre-Colored Easter Egg Verses

If you don’t have any card stock handy, use the second set of verses, which are already colored. Print them as is and cut the eggs apart to start playing immediately. No worries if the eggs get wrinkled or torn. You can throw them away (or recycle) when you’re finished and print new ones next year!

1 John 4.10 Printable

Gage which verses you do by the he number and age of the kids participating. If you have only a couple of kids, you may want to just do a couple of the shorter verses.

Resurrection Day Activities

For a big group of older kids, use them all. Or you could hand out one color of egg (shuffled) to each child, then race to see who can get their verse in order the fastest.

More Easter Fun

For more fun ways to celebrate Easter with little ones, check out this Resurrection Day Activities post. And for a wonderful way to focus your thoughts on Christ this holiday season, get a copy of my devotional journal, Because He Lives.

Because He Lives and other devotional journals by Jennifer Flanders
Scrambled Bible Verse Easter Egg Puzzles -

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  1. My family always have a night set aside for game night. We always used some of your printable games.I will use some of the prints you gave for Easter. They are awesome. Happy Easter to you and the Family.

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