Pierced Ear Care Chart (Free Printable)

Free Chart for Taking Care of Pierced Ears

When I was growing up, my mother told me I’d have to wait until I was 12 to get my ears pierced. But when my friend went to have hers pierced a month or two before my 12th birthday, mom agreed to let me go, too, and get them done early.

Since I was 11 when I got my ears pierced, I followed the same time schedule with my three oldest daughters. But the youngest has been drooling over her sisters’ earrings for years now. So I told her she could get her ears pierced for her 10th birthday, provided she could first convince Bethany, Rebekah, and Rachel not to hassle me about letting her get them pierced a year early.

They agreed, so that’s what we did.

I used a home piercing kit I got from Amazon. Abby asked me to make her a chart to remind her to clean them three times a day, as instructed.

Pierced Ear Care Chart

And since September 2 is National Pierce Your Ears Day (what will they think of next?), this seemed the perfect occasion to share our Pierced Ear Care Chart on my blog, just in case there’s a 10- or 11-year-old at your house who could use it. ?

Pierced Ear Care Chart

More Charts for Kids

Does having the accountability of a checklist inspire your kids to stick with a task like it does mine? If so, you may want to check out these other free printable charts:

What other kinds of charts or lists would you find helpful for child-training? Drop me a line in the comment section below, and I’ll accommodate as many reader requests as I can.

Free Chart for Taking Care of Pierced Ears

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