Be My Snowy Valentine Cards

It’s February 14th, so I’m sharing some “Be My Snowy Valentine” cards today, in case you wait to the last minute to get that kind of thing done, like I often do.
My husband and I just got back from Denver, Colorado, where he attended a business conference and I tagged along (if you can call flying on separate airplanes and taking separate taxis to the hotel “tagging along.” At least we got to share the same room. Ha!
Here’s a picture I snapped of me and my snowy valentine during our trip.

It was actually snowing for much of our time in Denver — all day on Friday, in fact. It was so beautiful! And transformed a simply so-so view from my hotel room into a magical winter wonderland.

Sadly, Doug had to sit through 14 hours of leadership training that day, so I saw very little of him. I could “bearly” stand the separation. But we made the most of the few moments we did get to spend together. ❤️
As Providence would have it, Doug’s office booked him a seat on the same flight home as I got for free with my frequent flyer miles, although he ended up sitting several rows behind me.
He opted to skip the last leg of his flight, though, to drive home from Dallas with me instead. And is it ever a good thing he did!
In my 5:00 AM rush to get to the airport on Thursday, I failed to realize I was running on fumes. When we reached my parked car, stowed our bags in the hatch, and slipped shivering into our seats, the gas gauge read dead empty — a fact Doug noticed as soon as he started the engine. He’s observant like that. 😊

The nearest gas station was nearly three miles away, so I navigated and prayed while he headed that direction. We made it out of the parking garage, through the toll gates, and onto a super busy stretch of highway before the car died completely and we had to park it on the shoulder with our hazard lights flashing.
We could see the station in the distance, about another mile away. So rather than letting me call AAA to come to our rescue, Doug braced himself against the frigid night air and jogged down on the road to buy a gas can and a few gallons to fill it.
He couldn’t have been happy about the situation, but neither did he seem angry. My knight in shining armor, he just graciously did what had to be done without grumbling or complaining.
That was the sweetest, bravest, most generous Valentine’s gifts he could ever give me. And it also explains why this meme I spotted over the weekend so resonates with me now:

Whatever this Valentine’s Day brings your way — whether candy and candlelight or toils and trials — I hope you’ll do whatever has to be done with a humble, happy heart filled with great love. Have a happy one! 😊
By the way, if you’re looking for a place to write down all the things you love most about your own snowy valentine, check out my devotional journal for wives, How Do I Love Thee?
And if you’re as fond of the “If kisses were snowflakes” design as I am, you’ll find a full, 8×10-sized poster of it at the bottom of this post. Enjoy!
The Fun Never Ends
Want more Valentine’s Day fun without having to search and download dozens of individual files? Then grab a copy of our newest Print Pack and get all my best resources for Valentine’s all bundled together for one low price.
Inside, you’ll find cards, games, quizzes, coloring pages, treat bag toppers, tracts, decorations, and lots, lots more.