50 Hymns to Gladden Your Heart

50 Hymns to Gladden Your Heart

Snow White’s dwarfs may have whistled while they work, but I prefer singing hymns. That’s why I keep a hymnal in my kitchen, right next to the sink, for easy reference. And today I’m sharing 50 of my all-time favorite hymns (click this link to download a printable list). I hope they’ll gladden your heart as much as they do mine!

Most of the songs on this list are hymns I grew up singing. I’ve recorded a few of them acapella (linked below), but will try to add more as I am able. Feel free to grab a hymnal and sing along!

50 Favorite Hymns

  1. “Amazing Grace”
  2. “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
  3. “Be Thou My Vision”
  4. “It Is Well with My Soul”
  5. “Fairest, Lord Jesus”
  6. “O Sacred Head”
  7. “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
  8. “Be Still My Soul”
  9. “Just As I Am”
  10. “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place”
  11. “Because He Lives”
  12. “This is My Story”
  13. “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
  14. “Showers of Blessing”
  15. “My Jesus, I Love Thee”
  16. “I Surrender All”
  17. “A Mighty Fortress”
  18. “How Great Thou Art”
  19. “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
  20. “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand”
  21. “Take My Life”
  22. “Love Lifted Me”
  23. “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
  24. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
  25. “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”
  26. “He Leadeth Me”
  27. “Lord, Send a Revival”
  28. “I Come to the Garden”
  29. “Grace that is Greater than All Our Sin”
  30. “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
  31. “At the Cross”
  32. “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
  33. “Blessed Assurance”
  34. “Oh, How I Love Jesus”
  35. “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus”
  36. “Hallelujah! What a Savior!”
  37. “When the Roll Is Called up Yonder”
  38. “I Know Whom I Have Believed”
  39. “How Firm a Foundation”
  40. “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”
  41. “Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him”
  42. “When We All Get to Heaven”
  43. “Send the Light”
  44. “Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy”
  45. “Glory to His Name”
  46. “The Light of the World is Jesus”
  47. “Onward, Christian Soldiers”
  48. “Jesus Paid it All”
  49. “Trust and Obey”
  50. “He Lives!”

For a printable version of this list, just click on the image below:

50 Hymns to Gladden Your Heart

And for even more encouragement for your hymn-loving heart, check out my newest devotional journal, Then Sings My Soul. It is full of beloved hymn lyrics, scriptural supports, word studies, writing prompts, and gorgeous vintage artwork.

Or, if singing isn’t your thing, check out the other titles in my devotional journal collection, now with thirteen volumes to choose from.

Devotional Journals x 12 Lineup

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50 Hymns to Gladden Your Heart

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    1. The short answer is no, Elise, I don’t currently have any playlists to share, but I might be able to create one. Are you wanting a playlist of the a cappella hymns I recorded and posted on my website because you’d like to listen/sing along without having to start and stop each hymn individually? Or are you wanting a playlist of hymns sung by professional musicians and were checking to see if I might have already put together such a collection? I could probably figure out a way to share the a cappella collection without too much trouble. Not so sure about the professionally recorded hymns.

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