Rock Craft Roundup: 14 Cool Things You Can Make out of Stones

Rock Craft Roundup

Since today (January 7) is National Old Rock Day, I thought a rock craft roundup was in order. Check out these fun ideas for repurposing old rocks, stones, and pebbles of all sizes:

14 Crafts You Can Make from Rocks

  1. Pet Rocks

    I’m probably aging myself to admit it, but pet rocks were all the rage when I was growing up. I even painted one for my grandfather for Christmas one year, but mine was nowhere near as cute as these perky penguins by The Soccer Mom. Aren’t they adorable?

    Rock Crafts - Pet Rocks

  2. Dominoes

    One of my children’s favorite games to play with their grandma is dominoes. For a new twist on an old standard, try making these river rock dominoes that I spotted on SooShell

    Rock Craft - Dominoes

  3. Tic Tac Toe Game

    Or if dominoes aren’t your thing, how about a tic-tac-toe game made of rocks and wood? I love this darling ladybug set that was featured in a Hungarian blog I visited recently.

    Rock Craft - Tic Tac Toe

  4. Garden Color

    That ladybug theme is echoed in these colorful garden rocks. For a full tutorial on how to make your own, including what kind of paint to use to make them weatherproof, visit Crafts by Amanda.

    Rock Craft - Garden Color

  5. Beach Stone Mushrooms

    Or maybe you prefer a more natural look for your garden accessories. Then these beach stone mushrooms I found on Etsy may be just the ticket. If you’re feeling crafty and have a good source for smooth stones and driftwood, you could make some yourself. If not, then order them pre-made from this vendor.

    Rock Crafts - Beach Stone Mushrooms

  6. Pebble Covered Birdhouse

    Here’s another do-it-yourself garden addition: a pebble covered birdhouse. The one pictured was at one time sold at The Best Nest. I don’t think it’s available anymore, but you could mimic the idea by adding a stone façade to a pre-made birdhouse — or if you’re really ambitious, you might build one from scratch!

    Rock Craft - Pebble Covered Birdhouse

  7. Rock Covered Planter

    This rocky bucket planter from Centsational Style is one I originally featured in my post on Savvy Ways to Recycle Tin Cans, but it’s too pretty not to include in this rock craft roundup, too. Follow this link for full, step-by-step instructions.

    Recycled Tin Can Planter

  8. Cactus Garden

    Don’t have enough of a green thumb to keep any growing thing alive, pretty planter or no? Then Woo Jr. has the perfect solution (as well as stepwise instructions) for you with this cute and colorful stony succulent. You’ll never even need to mist it!

    Rock Craft - Cactus Garden

  9. Ocean Stone Bath Mat

    Here’s another rock craft I found intriguing for its lovely simplicity: a bath ma made of ocean stones. Can’t you just imagine how cool this thing would feel under your bare feet? You’ll find full instructions for making this one at Tattooed Martha

    Rock Craft - Ocean Stone Bath Mat

  10. Kitchen Trivet

    If you prefer to start with a smaller sea stone project, try making these magnificent trivets I spotted at Bioguia. They use recycled CDs as a base!

    Rock Craft - Kitchen Trivet

  11. Pebble Art

    If you’re wondering what to do with the leftover pebbles once you finish your trivet, take inspiration from these framed pebble art pictures I found on Etsy. What kind of critters could you conjure up this way?

    Rock Craft - Pebble Art

  12. Candle Holders

    Here’s a beautifully executed design for a couple of candlesticks made from flat, smooth river rock. This project was originally published on a blog called Galet’s Quiche Chantent, but it has now sadly been taken offline. But a little creative doodling with an indelible pen, plus some strong glue and a tea light will get you the same elegant look as pictured below.

    Rock Crafts - Candle Holders

  13. Beach Stone Candle

    Need a lower profile candle holder? Grab some large beach stones and a concrete-safe drill bit to make these votive candle holders (or spare yourself the hassle and order them ready made from Funky Rock Designs

    Rock Crafts - Beach Stone Candles

  14. Stone Jewelry

    While you have your diamond-tipped coring bits out, drill smaller smaller holes in some smaller stones to make beautiful jewelry, like this river rock necklace featured on The Paper Stitch Blog. You can use pre-drilled stones or drill your own. Full instructions are included on this website.

    Rock Crafts - Stone Jewelry

And that wraps up this rock craft roundup. Have you made anything cool from rocks, stones, or pebbles? Tell me about it in the comment section below!

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Rock Craft Roundup

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