
Free 2024 Calendars

ATTENTION: Are these 2024 Calendars not the ones you need? Then follow this link to find the year you’re looking for.

2024 Free Printable Calendars

Long about mid-January every year I start hearing from readers requesting copies of my calendars for the following year. And this year is no exception. Which means requests for 2024 calendars have been piling up in my inbox for a couple of weeks already. Here’s a small sampling:

Reader Request - 2024 Calendars for Advanced Planning

Letters from Readers

  • Hello, Thank you so much for sharing your life with others. You change lives…including mine. Thank you so much. I wonder if you happen to already have calendars made for next year yet? Monica
  • Will you be making an academic calendar for next year? Last year’s was so helpful for planning the year! I shared a link to your website on a homeschool group so others could use it too. Amanda
  • I just love your Year-at-a-Glance Printable Calendars and use it everyday. Will you be creating one for next year soon? Thanks! Robbie
  • I have enjoyed your blog for years now and really appreciate your printable calendars! I was wondering if you’ll be making any new academic calendars in the near future? Our family schools year-round, so we have already begun the planning/preparation for next year. But I can’t find a calendar that far in advance that will work. Hope to hear from you soon. Sandra
  • Hello and Happy New Year! Just wondering when your calendar for the next school year will be ready. They are most helpful and I thank you for providing them! Marcie
  • Hello!! I was wondering when by chance you would have your new calendars available? (For next year. I’ve already downloaded this year’s!) Thank you!! Rebecca
  • Hi! Will you be putting up your scrapbook calendars for next year? They’re my absolute favorite!! Thank you! Catherine

2024 Calendars for Advanced Planning

My 2024 Year-at-a-Glance Calendar

I originally designed this one-page calendar at the request of my husband, who uses it to track his call schedule at the hospital. It gives a great, one-page view of the entire year.

Year-at-a-Glance Calendar 2024

Monthly 2024 Calendar Pages

I use these monthly pages to keep track of appointments and extra-curricular activities. For years, I’ve also kept a micro-journal by penning in a one-sentence summary at the end of every day in the little square provided.

2024 Monthly Calendar Pages

Academic Calendar for the 2023-24 School Year

These calendars give a bird’s eye view for the entire school year. Since we homeschool year-round anyway, I favor the version that runs from July to June. But after getting several requests for an academic calendar with an August start date, I now provide both. So take your pick!

2023-2024 Academic Calendar - July Start

2023-2024 Academic Calendar - August Start

2024 Scrapbooking Calendar

2024 Free Printable Calendars

I polish the micro-journal from my monthly calendar pages and record family goings-on using these prettier, hand-drawn calendars to keep a more permanent record. Once it’s all filled in, I put the original in my own scrapbook and glue color copies into each of my children’s scrapbooks. But I’ve heard from lots of mothers and teachers who prefer using this bright, cheery calendar in their homes and classrooms.

2024 Scrapbook Calendar - Color

You can download the color copy of my scrapbook calendar above or, if you’d prefer to color your own, snag the black and white version below.

2024 Scrapbook Calendar - B&W

You can find other, prettier variations of my year-at-a-glance calendar for both 2023 and 2024 in my free habit tracker collection. Download yours by clicking on the link below. Happy planning!

Link - Habit Tracker Collection

2024 Free Printable Calendars

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  1. Hello, Jennifer! I needed a calendar to keep track of appointments and happened to run across your free printables. Loved the scrapbook ones! Thank you so much for sharing!! Lovely!

  2. Thank you so much for making these and making them easily accessible through your website. I get lost trying to find so many of others’ links.

  3. Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for these printable calendars! I do want to let you know that for the 2024 year at a glance calendar, there are 3 months (March, April, and May) with flaws to the dates. Not sure if you were aware or wanted to update it! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks so much for alerting me to those typos, Teenie! I do so appreciate it. I’ve corrected the linked files on my website now, so you can download a clean version above now.

  4. I would love if you have 2025 calendars. I make a yearly calendar for Mothers Day that the children give their mom at “Moms and Muffins.” I already printed the 2024 and they are beautiful! Thank you!

  5. Love your calendars! Crazy that it is so hard to find a “year-at-a-glance” that has room for notes! I am already looking ahead to 2025 and 2026! Any chance those will be coming out any time soon? Thank you!!

    1. I’ll be posting the 2025 calendars in January, but will do my best to get the 2026 calendar ready for you soon, too.

  6. This is the third school year that I’ve used your free printable calendar. It’s perfect for taking attendance, as my state requires. Thank you so much for making and posting this for free! God bless!

  7. I want to thank you for preparing these calendar pages.
    I have been using your academic calendars for several years now for my bowling league!!
    We bowl for 28 weeks starting in September and this style of calendar enables me to put numbers in the boxes to track our weeks.
    Your calendar is the only one I been able to find that enables me to do that.

      1. I found exactly what I have been searching for and even better it is free!
        I love your yearly calendar! It is perfect! ❤️ Thank you soooo much! I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤️

  8. Thank you so much for your calendars! I’ve used them for several years for our homeschool and am always delighted when I see you’ve made another!

    1. I’m glad to hear it, Michelle. And I fully intend to post one every year as long as I’m around to do so! 😊

  9. Hi, love the variety of calendar pages, but recently, have been interested in a Weekly Calendar page. Hopefully going Sunday-Saturday. Does it help with keeping track of goals for a week? My Dr. wants me to be doing a Food Diary and that, along with a few other goal projects, was thinking a Weekly Calendar page might be easier.

    1. Hi, Kimberly. I’ve published a couple different weekly calendars in the past. Maybe one of these will meet your needs:
      – pretty weekly planner: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2014/09/03/keeping-track-of-it-all-free-printable-calendar-page/
      – printable weekly home planner: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2014/02/23/printable-weekly-planners-for-home-or-school/
      – weekly hourly schedule: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2013/10/20/weekly-schedule-free-printable/
      – weekly menu planner: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2021/08/26/weekly-meal-plan-printable/

  10. Thank you so much for creating these calendars every year. I am a former homeschooler, now a teacher, and I use your year-at-a-glance calendars to create pacing guides for the school year with my teaching team. Your calendars are the best!

  11. Just wanted to let you know that the uploaded July 2023-2024 Academic Calendar has a typo on June 4 2024 (incorrectly labeled June “43”). Thanks again for sharing these. They help a ton!!

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Jaci. I’ll try to fix that soon and upload the corrected file, but you may have to use a bit of correction tape in the meantime.

  12. I’ve been using the July-June academic calendars for years. It makes planning & tracking homeschool days such a breeze. I’m an advanced planner, so having them months early makes a huge difference. I really appreciated you taking the time to make these calendars! Thank you!

  13. Are you going to be making the Year At a Glance Calendar for 2024? I truly have appreciated it over the past few years as I use it to track my migraines for my neurologist. It is so convenient and I haven’t found one with the format like yours anywhere.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!

  14. You have made my day. Your calendars make my life so much easier. My husband even adds dr appt. to it. My granddaughters are so impressed with your art work. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy life to do this.

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