
World Travel I Spy Game

World Travel I Spy

We bid adieu to our sweet daughter on Monday. She’s off to see the world, and I’m sharing a new World Travel I Spy Game to commemorate the event.

Leaving for Europe

Rachel will be spending the next 6½ weeks touring Europe with our dear family friends, Shaun and Abbie Halberstadt (of M is for Mama fame) and their ten children.

Halberstadts in Paris

They took Rachel with them to help count kids and corral little ones. And snap an occasional photo with the entire crew in it. How’s that for a fun and adventurous summer job?

I briefly considered volunteering to go in her stead when it looked like she might not have her passport in time to travel. But God did a miracle, and she got the needed documentation just in the nick of time, much to everyone’s relief!

In the Eiffel Tower

We’re missing her something fierce, but it helps that we get to glimpse her in so many of the photos and videos Abbie’s been uploading to her Instagram.

Vacation Pic

We’ve been playing our own version of “I Spy” all week with those vacation pics. “Where’s Rachel? There she is! I see her!” It always brings huge smiles to our faces when we spot her.

World Travel I Spy

Which brings me back to my free printable World Travel I Spy Game.

World Travel I Spy - Printable

Just click on the image or link above to download your copy. You may even want to print extra copies and challenge your kids to race one another to see who can find all the famous landmarks first. Have fun!

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More I Spy Games

Want more free printables similar to this one? You’ll find them here:

World Travel I Spy

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