IQ Perplex

We took a new critical thinking game called IQ Perplex with us on our last roadtrip. It’s a fun way to pass travel time and provides brain-boosting practice in spacial reasoning, to boot.

Designed for ages 12 and up, this one-player game boasts 120 different challenges in graduated levels of difficulty.

The easiest challenges show you how to place all but two or three of the game pieces, and you have to figure out how to turn those to fit them in without changing the position of any pieces already in play.

The three-dimensional shapes of those color-coded pieces means you have to twist them just so to get them to lay flat, yet there are several different possibilities for orienting each piece.

After solving a couple of puzzles in the junior section with relative ease, my son flipped to the back of the book to try one of the expert challenges.

Expert level challenges provide placement for only a few starting pieces, leaving the player to squeeze in everything else as best he can.

That challenge took a lot longer to finish — as the line of children waiting their turn to play grew longer and longer.

But solve it he did. And then another and another.

There are still plenty of challenges left to keep us all busy on the long drive home and beyond.

That’s one of the things I like most about IQ Perplex. It’s small and portable. And the lid of the tray provides a great staging area for pieces you’ve yet to place on the board.

Would you or somebody you know enjoy IQ Perplex? It’s available from Timberdoodle as a stand-alone product or as part of their 2023 Tenth Grade Curriculum Kit.

While you’re on the Timberdoodle website, I’d encourage you to look around. We love everything we’ve ever ordered from this small family-owned company! Be sure to sign up for their Doodle Dollar program to save on future purchases. And to read more of my Timberdoodle Reviews, follow this link.

PLEASE NOTE: As a member of the Timberdoodle blog team, I routinely receive free or deeply discounted products in exchange for writing honest reviews. Opinions expressed in these posts are 100% my own. I’ve been a happy and enthusiastic Timberdoodle customer for decades — long before I ever started blogging for their company.