The Wingfeather Saga (& More August Reads)

Ooops! Here we are at the end of September, and I still haven’t posted reviews for the books I read last month. I finished reading five books in the month of August: three volumes of The Wingfeather Saga, plus two others. Read on for my impressions of each.
The 5 Books I Read in August
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
After feeling completely lost at a Wingfeather-themed birthday party for one of our grandkids, we decided it was time we read for ourselves the books that have so captivated our adult chldren and their little ones.
So we got an audio copy of Andrew Peterson’s On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness and listened to it on our way to North Carolina last month.
Our son warned us the first installment starts a little slow, although it had plenty of action for us, along with lots of clever word play. We didn’t appreciate what our son meant by that remark until we got to the later books, which ramp up the action all the way to 11!
North or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson
North or Be Eaten! was grippingly action-packed from beginning to end and filled with so many unexpected twists and turns, it made our heads spin.
In this volume of The Wingfeather Saga, the three Igiby children are separated for the bulk of the book, each facing grave and desperate dangers which threaten to steal all hope for safe escapes and happy endings.
But after so many betrayals, they wonder if there are any allies left who can be fully trusted.
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
I’ve been doing a lot more driving between Tyler and Kilgore now that I’m homeschooling three of my grandkids along with our two youngest.
But I’ve used Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island to keep me awake on the road. It was like reuniting with old friends to see Jim Hawkins, Dr. Livesay, and Squire Trelawney spring back to life in my imagination once more.
It had been nearly three decades since I last read this classic tale of high seas treachery and daring adventure, and — shiver me timbers — if didn’t get swept away in the action all over again, taking a whole new generation along for the ride!
Monsters in the Hollows by Andrew Peterson
The Igaby children ecape to the Green Hollows. But even there, dangers from within and without threaten to undo them.
Yet, through it all, they sense a deeper purpose in the bad things that befall them. Their hope gives rise to one of my favorite lines from the book: “Evil digs a pit and the Maker makes a well.”
Our son warned us these books get progressively better, and was he ever right! We immediately began reading Book 4 as soon as we’d finished the last chapter of The Monster in the Hollows.
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine by Jeanne Bendick
Jeanne Bendick brings ancient Rome to life with this brief biographical account of the famous physician, Galen, and the amazing contributions he made to the study of medicine during his lifetime.
I read this Galen and the Gateway to Medicine aloud to my kids and grandkids as part of our study of ancient history this semester. It’s a short but detailed read and simply stated enough for all ages to enjoy and understand.

Do you love to read as much as we do? I’ve gathered all my best resources for bibliophiles onto this page, or you can read more of my book reviews by following this link .
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