Safari Park Jr. Review

My grandkids tried out another great Smart Game from Timberdoodle this week. This one is called Safari Park Jr.
It’s designed for ages 3 and up, though lIttle brother loved the bright colors and chunky animals and definitely wanted a turn playing, as well.

The good news is, all the parts are plenty big for him to handle, too. No choking hazards to worry about in this game (although baby might do serious damage to the game cards if we let him gnaw on them for long)!

Speaking of game cards, unlike all the other Smart Games we own, the challenges for this one are printed on individual cards instead of a little book.

The cards are sturdy and numbered, but I suspect they could easily get lost or damaged if you’re not careful.
I think the game makers probably designed it that way to help little ones focus on just one puzzle at a time — no books to hold open or solutions to resist peeking at too early.

It does make it more difficult to keep track of which challenges have been successfully completed and which have not yet been attempted, but that’s okay.
The thing that makes Safari Park Jr. most challenging, though, is the fact that each animal has a base shape that can only enter the board on its matching corner shape. And can only follow certain paths once it is on the board.

So kids have to think hard about which animal to put on the board first and which route each must take to get all the animals to the proper meeting place in the proper order.
Do you have little ones who would enjoy Safari Park Jr? You can order your own from Timberdoodle individually or as part of their 2023 Preschool Curriculum Kit. So be sure to check it out!

And while you’re on the Timberdoodle website, I’d encourage you to look around. We love everything we’ve ever ordered from this small family-owned company!
Be sure to sign up for their Doodle Dollar program to save on future purchases. And to read more of my Timberdoodle Reviews, follow this link.

PLEASE NOTE: As a member of the Timberdoodle blog team, I routinely receive free or deeply discounted products in exchange for writing honest reviews. Opinions expressed in these posts are 100% my own. I’ve been a happy and enthusiastic Timberdoodle customer for decades — long before I ever started blogging for their company.