Moses Detective Agency Review

My daughter Abby cheerfully volunteered to help review Mose’s Detective Agency when Timberdoodle sent it to us this summer.

She’s always loved miniatures and for years has created many her own out of recycled jewelry boxes and beads and bottle caps.

So having a kit filled with so many realistic-looking miniatures was a special delight to this resourceful little artist.

The kit comes with everything you need to furnish this detective’s office completely, including books for the bookcase, a discarded necktie, an overstuffed briefcase, an umbrella stand, and a lamp that actually lights up.

Abby made excellent headway on the project until school started, then had to lay it aside in order to study for science tests and write weekly essay papers.

Progress slowed a bit after that, but she’d still get the kit out and work on crafting a few miniatures whenever her dad or I would read aloud to the family.

Slowly but steadily, the sleuth’s office took shape. You can see the typewriter where he wrote up his reports, the magnifying glass he used to inspect clues more closely, a bottle of brandy, and even a half-eaten croissant on his desk below.

Abby did a great job with all of it. But really, it was just a matter of following the step-by-step directions.

We love how her version of Mose’s Detective Agency turned out. The whole family enjoys admiring all the minute details.

And Abby has the finished project proudly displayed on the bookshelf in her bedroom.

Do you have a child who would enjoy crafting the miniatures in Mose’s Detective Agency? You can get your own from Timberdoodle. It would make a great Christmas or birthday gift!

And while you’re on the Timberdoodle website, I’d encourage you to look around. We love everything we’ve ever ordered from this small family-owned company!
Be sure to sign up for their Doodle Dollar program to save on future purchases. And to read more of my Timberdoodle Reviews, follow this link.

PLEASE NOTE: As a member of the Timberdoodle blog team, I routinely receive free or deeply discounted products in exchange for writing honest reviews. Opinions expressed in these posts are 100% my own. I’ve been a happy and enthusiastic Timberdoodle customer for decades — long before I ever started blogging for their company.