Free Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

While it’s true I’ve already started decking part of our halls for Christmas, our den is still solidly spruced up for Thanksgiving. All of our children and their families will be coming home next week, and my fall-colored Thanksgiving Pennant Banner is taking center stage across our mantle.

The fall colors look great in this room with leather chair, green sofa’s and sky blue walls, don’t you think? And, in case you need a “Be Yet Thankful” banner for your own mantel (or doorway or bookshelf), I’m sharing a free printable version in two sizes today.
First, we have the full-size banner, like the one on my own mantle above:

Next, we have a half-size banner, in case you have a smaller space in which to display it:

For either of these banners, I recommend printing on heavy card stock. I used a paper cutter to trip side edges of pennant and a pair of scissors to cut the forked bottom. I left the white margin along the top of each pennant then folded it over before glueing or taping each letter, in order, along a piece of twine, yarn, or ribbon.

I hope you enjoy the fall festive look (even if it’s only in one room of the house). For more Thanksgiving printables, check out our new Thankful Hearts Print Pack.

Or grab a copy of my devotional journal, Count Your Blessings.