5 Things that Would Make This Winter Better

Quick! Can you name 5 things that would make your winter better? December 21 is officially the first day of winter, but it also happens to be my youngest son Gabriel’s birthday, giving our family even more cause for celebration.
Gabriel loves the cold weather. Could it be otherwise with such a birthday? Thankfully, though, here in the South where we live, winter weather doesn’t last very long, and it seldom ever turns bitter cold. Which is my #1 Way to Make Winter Better: Spend it in Texas! Ha!

Although we have a lengthier winter fun bucket list for folks like my son who absolutely love the season, for some of us, simpler is better. If that describes you, I’d encourage you to brainstorm just a handful of ways you could make the cold weather season a little more enjoyable. What are 5 things that would make this winter better for you and your family?
My list would look something like this:
5 Ways to Make My Winter Better
- Start each morning with Bible reading and a big cup of hot tea
- Take a walk with the kids during the warmest part of the day
- Eat a variety of hot, hearty soups and stews at mealtime
- Sit in front of a roaring fire reading books in the evening
- Buy a warm robe to keep me warm and comfy
To read it, you might think we lived on the frozen tundra rather than in temperate East Texas. But I’m cold-natured, so my impulse is to stay inside all winter trying to stay warm (can you tell?).
My children’s 5 Things Lists look way different than mine. My girls see it as a time to shop farmer’s markets and wear cute sweaters and grab cups of coffee or cocoa with their friends.
My boys want to play ultimate Frisbee and train for marathons and travel further north where it’s even colder with a chance of snow.
So consider polling your family and compiling a short list of practices that appeal to all of you, then follow through and do them. And may God bless us all with a happy, healthy winter!