Our Top 10 Flanders Family Posts of 2023

At the end of every year, I try to look back and see which of my posts from the preceding 12 months enjoyed the most popularity. Hence, my Top 10 Flanders Family Posts of 2023 below. Creating this list helps me better understand what kinds of resources have appealed most to my readers (that’s YOU) in the past, so I can better serve you in the future.
If you include all the posts I’ve written since starting my blog more than a decade ago, my top 10 list hasn’t changed that significantly since last year.
Most Popular Pasts of 2023 Overall:
- Christmas Word Scramble – the very first Christmas game I ever shared is still one of the most popular
- Free Editable High School Transcript – simplifies record keeping for college-bound homeschoolers
- Number Writing Practice – these practice pages help with proper number formation
- 2023 Calendars – choose from several different styles
- Who Said What? Christmas Quiz – another favorite Christmas party game
- One-Year Bible Reading Plan – this is the plan I use to annually read through God’s Word cover to cover
- Free Printing Practice Sheets – these penmanship practice sheets help protect against letter revearsals
- How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols? – a Christmas party game for music lovers
- In Flanders Fields – a pretty printable copy of the famous WWI poem
- Christmas Carol Song Sheets – words to several of the most popular holiday songs
Do you see any patterns or connections between all the free printables offered in these posts? I do! Look closely, and you’ll notice that…
- 40% relate to Christmas
- 30% facilitate better record keeping
- 20% provide handwriting practice
- 10% are related to poetry, history, and sacrifice
Of course, if you just consider the posts I penned in 2023, the following received the most traffic. See if you can spot some similar trends in this list:
Our Top 10 Posts Published in 2023
1. 2024 Calendars for Advanced Planning
I started getting requests for my 2024 calendars a full 12 months before the year 2024 even arrived. Here they are, all ready to download in several different styles. Choose scrapbooking calendars, monthly pages, year-at-a-glance, or academic calendars.

2. Best 2023 Reading Rewards Programs for Kids
Besides reading aloud and modeling a love for books yourself, can you think of a better way to encourage kids to spend time reading than to offer a wide variety of incentives when they do? And fortunately for us, there is a wide variety of local businesses that sponsor some great and very generous reading rewards programs for children.

3. Teaching Kids to Do Chores Cheerfully
When it comes to teaching our children to be diligent in their work and to do chores cheerfully or cultivating in them a willingness to lend a helping hand, a little encouragement and appreciation is often more effective than criticism and threats of punishment.

4. Days of Creation Printables
This sweet poem and printable Days of Creation coloring page makes memorizing the order of creation fast and easy!

5. Pretty Printable Bible Memory Cards
These Pretty Printable Bible Memory Cards contain some of the most beautiful promises in all of Scripture.

6. High Tea Word Find
Use our High Tea Word Find to add a little fun to your next tea party. My daughter is in a group of girls that gather twice a month to visit together and do a new craft, and this is an activity I designed for the tea party we had to kick off the semester.

7. Birds of the Air Coloring Page
I love meditating on Scripture as I color God’s Word, and this Birds of the Air Coloring Page allows me to do just that.

8. Model Prayer Coloring Page
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He gave them the following prayer as a pattern. Our Model Prayer Coloring Page can help you learn the words by heart.

9. No Shadow of Turning Coloring Page
Can you tell our coloring pages have been very popular this year? I love the verse from James featured in this No Shadow of Turning Coloring Page.

10. Free Printable Christmas Cards
This post has only been up a few weeks, but it still made the top ten list. Visit it to download a dozen different vintage-looking free printable Christmas cards.

We see similar themes developing in this list:
- 60% of the posts included Bible verses
- 50% of the posts contained some form of coloring page
- 30% of the posts were aimed at training young children
- 20% involved record keeping
- 10% were just-for-fun activities
- 10% were Christmas related
What does all this mean going forward?
As you can see, my free printable calendars made both lists. So you can definitely count on my continuing to provide those for my readers.
God’s Word is obviously important to many of my readers, so you’ll continue to find Christian coloring pages and other resources to make Bible memory easier.
Apparently, a good portion of my readers have young children (or grandchildren), so I will continue to provide helpful parenting pointers, printable resources, and other fun tips to keep little ones learning.
And my readers seem to love Christmas just as much as I do, so look for more great ideas in the future to help you enjoy the holidays with your family.
Have I missed anything you’d like to see more of? Leave a comment below, and I’ll do my best to create the content you’re looking for!. Best wishes for a fruitful New Year, from my family to yours!