None Righteous Coloring Page

I recently received a request from a reader for some materials that would cover The Roman Road. I sent her what I had, but also promised to make a separate coloring page for each of the verses for her to use with the children in her Bible class. This None Righteous coloring page is the first installment in that series.

This coloring page features Romans 3:10, “There is none righteous, not even one.” With the exception of Jesus Christ, every human than has ever lived has been scarred by sin. “There is no one who understands, no one who seeks after God.” (Romans 3:11)
There is no one who — of his own will — does what is right and good and pleasing to our Lord and Savior. “All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned, everyone, to his own way, and [praise be to God!], the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6) Jesus took the penalty of all our sin upon Himself, so that we could be restored into a right relationship with God. (see 2 Corinthians 5:21)
Now, that is good news, if ever I’ve heard it!

More for You to Color
I hope you enjoy this week’s coloring page. If you like to color, then come back again next Sunday for a new one. To download any of the pages I’ve published in the past, simply follow this link: Free Christian Coloring Pages. If you’d prefer a bound collection, check out my Color the Word series. I designed these richly detailed, Scripture-based coloring books with grown-ups in mind. But they can be enjoyed by all ages. They’re even available in Spanish!
For those who enjoy journaling as well as coloring, my devotional journals offer the best of both worlds. Now with twelve titles to choose from.

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