Metal Earth Aircraft Kit: A Timberdoodle Review

Timberdoodle recently sent me a couple of Metal Earth Models, which my grandsons were more than happy to help review.

Each kit is small, flat, and would easily fit into a Christmas stocking, if you have children who love to build things.

The packaging specifies that theses kits are designed for ages 14 and up, which I believe is a realistic age range for the kind of fine motor skills required.

As you can see in the photo above, the instructions for building the Metal Earth models feature a lot of diagrams, although they’re more complex and less user-friendly than the cute and colorful Lego booklets your child may be accustomed to following.

Nevertheless, they do provide step-by-step directions. The Metal Earth tools are a must-have. It would be impossible to build either model without them.

They are heavy duty with keen edges and padded handles, perfect for the delicate work of constructing the intricate designs.

We started with what looked like the simpler model, the Cessna 182 Floatplane. But it still took several afternoons to complete the project, working an hour or more per day. So if you have a child (like I do) who has trouble sitting still for long periods of time, plan accordingly!

You are not supposed to need anything but the kit plus a pair of pliers and wire cutters to finish building each model. Unfortunately, we had to resort to using Gorilla glue on a couple of the more delicate joins when the tiny metal tabs that hold the structure together snapped off.

That was the most frustrating part of the entire project. Fortunately for us, it only happened twice. Too many broken tabs, and I think we would’ve had to scrap the whole project.

As it was, we were able to move beyond the problem, but it took two sets of hands to make it work with the glue, and our finished project was not as sturdy as it would’ve been had all the insertions remained intact.

Do you have a family member who’d enjoy building a Metal Earth Aircraft Kit? These projects aren’t just for kids! If you’re interested, check out the listing on Timberdoodle. It can be purchased separately or as part of Timberdoodle’s 2024 8th Grade Curriculum Kit.

And while you’re on the Timberdoodle website, I’d encourage you to look around. We love everything we’ve ever ordered from this small family-owned company!
Be sure to sign up for their Doodle Dollar program to save on future purchases. And to read more of my Timberdoodle Reviews, follow this link.

PLEASE NOTE: As a member of the Timberdoodle blog team, I routinely receive free or deeply discounted products in exchange for writing honest reviews. Opinions expressed in these posts are 100% my own. I’ve been a happy and enthusiastic Timberdoodle customer for decades — long before I ever started blogging for their company.