8 Great Books to Read in Winter

It has been freezing lately where we live in Texas. Call me a wimp, but I’m completely unaccustomed to 17-degree weather. It makes me want to stay indoors buried beneath a pile of quilts with a good book in my lap. Fortunately, I know of at least 8 great books that are perfect for reading in the dead of winter!

In the past, I’ve published a list of recommended snowy picture books to read to your littles. But the list below is all chapter books, so pour some cups of hot tea or cocoa and read them aloud to older kids or silently to yourself. They”re sure to warm your heart, even if your nose and toes are numb with cold.

8 Great Books to Read in Winter

The Long Winter

When blizzards bury their northern town in snow, the Ingalls family must pull together with neighbors to survive the bitter cold and their dwindling provisions.

The lives of Marly and her family are transformed in wonderful ways when they move from the bustling city to the rolling countryside around Maple Hill.

The Pevensie children discover a hidden passage to a magical, frozen land where it is always winter, but never Christmas.

When Armand’s refuge under a Paris bridge is invaded by three homeless children, he cares for them and does all he can to find them a home.

A house painter with a dream of exploring Antarctica finds himself having to care for a dozen penguins, right in his own little living room.

Classic tale of the March sisters — Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy — and the love they share, the dreams they cherish, and the adventures they have growing up.

When young Jonathan crosses the mountain alone after sunset he learns for himself whether there are any bears to be found there or not.

Gladys must overcome all sorts of obstacles to make her way to main- land China as a missionary, including trudging through ice and snow in war-torn Siberia.

And that’s it for my short list of great winter reads. Know of others I’ve missed? Tell me about them in the comment section below. I could use some recommendations, in case this present cold snap lasts longer than expected!

More Ideas for Winter Fun

Need more fresh ideas and fun resources to entertain and educate your kids during the cold weather months? We’ve got just the ticket–especially if your winters last longer than ours do, or you see more snow days than we get here in East Texas.

Check out our brand new Winter Fun Print Pack. It’s full to bursting with word games, conversation starters, craft ideas, book and buckets lists, coloring and activity pages, and more great ideas for staying busy and productive during the coldest months of the year.

Winter Fun Print Pack Ad

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