As Evangelical Christians, our family feels compelled to point others to Jesus by sharing the good news of God’s redemptive love with those who don’t know Him. To that end, wee offer a growing collection of free printable gospel tracts, cards, and gift tags.
You’ll find that most of these evangelical resources are drenched with Scripture. That’s because God promises His Word will never return void:
“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
Just follow the links below to download and print any of our resources for sharing the gospel all year long. I’ve grouped them by holiday for easy reference:
NOTE: If you like to get all these tracts with a single click instead of downloading each individually, check out our new Complete Collection of Gospel Tract Printables. All 50 of our designs are compiled and ready for your immediate use.
New Year’s
Gospel Tracts for New Year’s
I can’t think of a better way to start a new year than by fully committing your heart to Jesus. These four-page New Year’s-themed gospel tracts will help you get that message to those around you who may need it. The tracts all print in black and white. For brighter versions, print on colored copy paper.
Valentine’s Day
We offer several styles of Scripture-based cards and tracts to share with friends on Valentine’s Day.
Valentine-Themed Gospel Tracts
Choose from four different styles
Victorian Valentines with Scripture Quotes
Our beautiful Victorian cards each contain a snippet from “The Love Chapter” — 1 Corinthians 13.
Retro Valentines with Bible Verses
These retro Valentines look just like the little cards I grew up giving to schoolmates. The only difference is our version sports related Bible verses instead of corny puns.
Easter-Themed Gospel Tracts
With six different designs to choose from, these free printable tracts make great additions to Easter baskets for children or food boxes for the needy. Or pass them out at local Easter egg hunts.
Jelly Bean Gospel
Years ago, when my oldest children were still preschoolers, one of their Sunday School teachers sent them home for Easter with a short “Jelly Bean Prayer.” I’ve expanded that original poem to share the whole gospel story. Attach the free printable tags to small bags of jelly beans and pass them them out to all your little friends at Easter time.
Independence Day
Gospel Tracts for the Fourth of July
We offer four Liberty-loving designs for you to share on or around Independence Day. The cover of each tract features a familiar patriotic phrase, then the inside and back pages offer a Biblical perspective on the sentiment.
Halloween-Themed Gospel Tracts
We offer these trick-or-treat tracts in ten different designs for you to rotate. That way, you can ensure that the trick-or-treaters who come to your door get a different gospel presentation every year.
Thanksgiving-Themed Gospel Tracts
Our four-page Thanksgiving-themed gospel tracts remind us to count our blessings, acknowledge God as our Provider, and maintain a heart of gratitude towards Him.
Christmas-Themed Gospel Tracts
We offer six different designs of these four-page Christmas tracts. They’re perfect for enclosing with Christmas cards, passing out with neighbor gifts, or tucking into food boxes for the needy.
Candy Cane Gospel Poem
We print these tags out to attach to the candy canes we pass out to neighbors while Christmas caroling.
More Printable Gospel Tracts
If you like these free printable tracts, you’re going to love the newest print pack I just added to our shop. It’s my Complete Collection of Gospel Tract Printables, all compiled and ready for you to download in a single click — 50 designs in all.
Granted, you can download most of these designs individually for free on our website, but if you’d rather save time and get them right away, just click on the image below to learn more!

I want a copy of tract for my outreach ministry
I’m sorry, George, but we are not set up to mail physical copies of any of our tracts. We only provide the files for free so that you may print your own. Each double-sided copy you make will produce 4 individual tracts. You can pick your favorite styles and print as many as you like.
I need more gospel tracks pls help us
Ariel (from the philippines)
I would love to help you, Ariel, but we aren’t able to send physical copies of our tracts through the mail. We only provide free digital files so that you can print them yourself at home.
I am a pastor from India and doing tracks ministry. Can u please send free tracks for ministry? Thank u pastor
Hi, John Peter. Blessings on your gospel work in India. Our tract designs are free for you to print yourself, but we are not set up to print and ship physical copies to anybody. If you have a personal printer, you can follow the instructions and print as many copies as you can use that way. Or you are welcome to take the PDF file to a business and have them printed that way. I’m sorry I cannot send you a physical product.
Hi ,
My name is Sarah from Malta . I just wanted to take you for the work you did on the halloween tracks. This weekend with does grace some Christian brothers and sisters are going out to give them out . There is 1400 printed to give out . Thanks for making them available for free for others to us . God bless you all .
That’s awesome, Sarah. I’m praying you pass out every last one of the tracts you’ve printed, and that those who read them will take them to heart and be blessed. Thanks for letting me know. That makes me so happy to think of our tracts being used around the world to share God’s love with folks who may not know Him!
I found your Halloween Tracts last year and used them for our Trunk ‘n’ Treat at church. They were fantastic! They are culturally relevant and a so well done! They print so well! I print them on different colors and they look fantastic. Thank you so much for all your work to make these a great resource! I have decided to also use the others for the other holidays this year! I also printed a bunch of the Bible verse coloring pages to use in our homeschooling and children’s church classes! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family!
That report just warms my heart, Cindy. I’m glad to know you’re putting our resources to good use! Thanks!
Thanks so much for the printable tracts, I will use them this halloween with trunk or treat and in the future as well. Appreciate very much all the free printables you share so generously on your website. We are always trying to find good content to share with children especially, and with a tight ministry budget, things like this are such a blessing. Thanks again!
You’re so welcome, Leslie. I’m happy to share. It gladdens my heart to know our resources are being put to good use!
i am George Kaizomlal Gangte M.Div want to contact you for free tract for our outreach ministry gospel to non christian.
I’m so sorry, George, but I don’t have a good way to mass-produce our tracts. The designs are free to download and print as needed, but we don’t sell or ship any pre-printed tracts at this time.
Can I download and print tracts? If so how?
Yes, Lana. You absolutely can. Just click on the series you’re interested in to be taken to the original post for that seasonal theme. From there, you can click on the design you want to print and save the PDF to your computer. Then you can use that file to print as many copies as you want or need.