Homeschool Report Cards

One of our readers recently wrote to request a printable homeschool report card. Traditionally, I’ve not been as meticulous about grade reports for elementary school as I am about high school transcripts. However, I’d been considering printing up something more “official” looking for my younger kids. This would allow them to take advantage of some of the good-grade-rewards local businesses offer. And now seemed the perfect time to do that, since our family is nearing the end of our first grading cycle for the new school year.
If your family homeschools, too, consider using our free printable report cards for your own kiddos:
At the close of every quarter, they can redeem good grades for free food, tokens, movies, and other great prizes. I printed ours on card-stock for better durability. That way, they should last all year long.
More free printables to help you organize your homeschool
- Attendance Record – helps track the number of days your student does school
- Weekly Schedule – view at a glance the different co-ops and extra-curricular activities your student is involved in
- Age Appropriate Chores for Children – don’t forget to include lifeskill training, whether you homeschool or not!
- Weekly School Assignments – this is a one-page overview of the work your student needs to accomplish each week
- Weekly Goals for Mom – here’s a similar chart to help map out mother’s week, as well
Additional links on the topic of celebrating good grades:
- Rewards for Good Grades – Get free stuff from local businesses and restaurants
- Other Ways to Reward Hard Work More ideas for celebrating your child’s progress in school
- 5 Non-Monetary Rewards for Good Grades Smart alternatives to paying for good report cards
- How Much for an A+? The importance of recognizing and praising effort, not just results
Back-to-School Print Pack
Download 74 of my prettiest, most popular, and/or never-before published back-to-school resources in a single print pack. The updated Back-to-School Survival Guide includes schedules, charts, calendars, and day planners to help make this school year your best yet!

PLEASE NOTE: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through any of those links, we may receive a small referral fee, at no extra cost to you. Such fees help defray the cost of running this website. This, in turn, allows us to continue offering our readers a wealth of FREE printable resources. So thank you for your support!
Thank you for the free report card templet! Much appreciated.
I look forward to your subscription.
Stressed out mom.
You’re welcome, Ashley. One of my goals is to help relieve some stress for fellow homeschool moms by sharing things that have helped lighten my load through the years. In the toughest seasons, it’s always good to remember that God is faithful, that He gives rest to the weary (you don’t have to “do it all”), and that He promises to supply all our needs. Whom He calls, He equips. Praying for you today! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you!
This is our third year using your report cards. Thank you so much! We use Abeka vidoes and I love having this way of tracking things both for my kids and also for me.
I’m so glad to hear it, Lydia. Hope you have a wonderful school year!
Thank you so much for providing a FREE printable report card for anyone to use! You are a saint and I thank you so very much! This is JUST what I needed and looks beautiful!
You’re so welcome, Crystal. I’m glad you like it!
These were a major help as I needed to provide report cards to my children’s school. I really appreciate your generosity and kindness.
So glad to have been of service, Michael! Love your email address
Thank you for sharing!
You’re very welcome, Cathi!
I liked your printables so much! They were simple and cute!
Thank you. I’m so glad to hear it!
Thanks you so much for allowing other homeschool families access to such wonderful resources! I truly appreciate it! You have a beautiful family! Keep loving GOD! Sister LaTonya
You are so welcome, Sister. Glad I could be of service!
thank you for these helpful hints!
You’re so welcome, Brendalee. Glad to be of service!
Thank you for sharing this report card. I love it!
You’re so welcome. I’m glad you like it!
Great idea, I look forward to using this method. Thanks for sharing. I am a homeschooler of 3 kids (6th, 5th, and k) great experience so far
Had to have a report card for the children to get good student discount on car insurance. This report card was the tops and my choice out of all of them out there. Thank you so much for making it simple and with a quality look. Appreciate how you left space in which to add more subjects and character traits. Well done! Thanks a million.
these printables
are fabulous
i will have a child
in high school next year
and have been prowling around
for transcript forms as well
just pinned this
and followed you on Pinterest
thanks so much!