Since one of the best things you can do for your children is love your spouse, in this section you’ll find fresh ideas for nurturing your relationship to your spouse.

Have a question about marriage that you don’t see addressed here? We encourage you to write us. We will do our best to answer, either personally or on the blog.

A happy marriage is like a beautiful garden: neither just “happens.” Both take a lot of time, attention, and tender loving care.

In short, they both require work.

Marriage Encouragement

Although I publish most of my marriage-related posts on my Loving Life at Home blog, you will find a few assorted posts on that topic here, as well, including the ones shown here:

Marriage-Themed Printables

What Readers Say:

  • “Outstanding marriage book—a must read!”
  • “Great ideas on how to show the most important man in my life how much I value him.”
  • “Encouraging and Biblical advice that can powerfully impact your marriage.”

The Loving Life at Home Podcast

Do you want to nurture your marriage and cultivate a lifelong love for your husband? Would you like to stop bickering and learn to speak your spouse’s love language instead? Are you wondering how to prioritize marital intimacy when your little ones sap so much of your energy that you’re utterly exhausted by the end of the day?

I’ve tackled all these topics and more on my Loving Life at Home podcast, so listen in:

30-Day Respect Challenge
"You relationship to your husband may be the only marriage book your children ever read. What lessons will they take with them when they leave home?" - Jennifer Flanders


    1. Cutting out the lies and the mistress sounds like a good starting point, Renee. I’m praying for you and your wife this morning as you try to sort things out and work on your marriage.

  1. I love your website; it is very warm and welcoming! Thank you for your encouragement on marriage and family bonding and for pushing the idea that marriage is a life time commitment and is not meant to be taken lightly. Sadly, today we see so many marriages failing or lost. Thanks for stepping up and making a difference. May God continue to bless and use you and your family to help reach out to others!

    1. Thanks, Shabrena. You’re right — marriage should be a lifetime commitment. It makes us sad, too to see so many marriages failing.

  2. Hi Family!,

    I just wanted to say this website has helped me in more ways then one!.

    The temptation of sex before marriage and drugs and other sins presented by the devil have been hard to overcome. But this site and the loving hand of jesus has shown me the way.

    praise and happy tidings.


    Born again christian.

  3. I very much enjoy, and am encouraged by your website. I recently read your book ‘Love your Husband, love yourself’, on my kindle. I have to say, it is superb. Thank you for all the work you have put into it.

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