Pregnancy & Childbirth
Great Expectations
Babies are such a blessing. Whether you love being pregnant and watching your belly expand, or you spend nine months puking your guts out, we count down the days to delivery with high hopes and grand expectations.
Newborns & Babies
Beautiful Bouncing Bundles of Joy
Who can resist that velvety soft skin, those downy lashes, and that wonderful sweet smell of a precious new little baby?
Toddler Years
Get ready for the terrific twos and tremendous threes!
Busy. Busy. Busy. That’s the description that best fit most of my toddlers.
And keeping them safely entertained was a huge but necessary undertaking — especially if I needed to take a nap after being up all night with a colicky baby or prepare a meal or homeschool an older sibling.
So I compiled a list full of things they could do with minimal supervision and posted it inside a cabinet door where I could access it easily when my brain felt too fried to think of anything on the fly.
Would such a list help you survive the busy toddler season? Check out this post to take a peek at the one that served me so well for so long.
Children’s Chores
Do your kids (and yourself) a favor!
Want your kids to develop a strong work ethic, learn time management skills, and be better prepared for life? Have them make their beds, put away their toys, keep their rooms tidy, clear dinner dishes, and help fold laundry. Train them to do their work competently, consistently, and cheerfully. Such traits lay a foundation for future success, regardless what field of work they choose.
Free Printable
Our Age-Appropriate Chore Chart for Children is one of the most popular printables we’ve ever offered and brought such an influx of traffic when I first posted it that it broke our website!
It’s now been translated into several languages. Click on the link below to download your copy:
Character Training
First things first
Proverbs 20:11 tells us, “Even a child is known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.” So give attention to the inner life of your children, and pray God will work on their heart as only He can.
Sibling Relations
A peaceful home filled with folk who love one another
Psalm 133:1 has it right: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” May such be the testimony both at your house and mine. Amen?
Conversation Starters
Pocket the phones in favor of a lively discussion
These discussion prompts are especially well-suited for using during a meal. So let’s gather around the table and bring back the family dinner hour.
Digital Devices
Don’t let your kids squander their childhood staring at screens
Young people today face challenges we never even dreamed of as children. Wise parents must help their kids navigate the digital world by establishing proper boundaries and setting safeguards in place with regard to the use of computers, tablets, phones, and gaming devices.
Teens & Young Adults
Our goal: responsible, god-honoring adults
Our relationships with our children naturally change as they grow older. It’s helpful to remember that our goal is to raise responsible adults, but the transition to adulthood doesn’t happen overnight when a son or daughter turns 18 or 21. It is a gradual process which we can help along by gradually giving children more autonomy as they take on more responsibility.
Extra Encouragement
Keep on Keeping on!
Galatians 6:9 admonishes us, “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Isn’t that good news? Your work is not in vain, mama. Keep loving your family, training your children, keeping your home, and shining brightly for Jesus.
Even when it feels like others are oblivious to (or unappreciative of) the sacrifices you make, the love you share, the attitude with which you attend to all your various duties, the burdens you leave at foot of the cross, Jesus sees and knows and comes along beside you to give joy and peace and strength in the midst of all your trials.
Praying for Your Kids
Raising kids should drive us to our knees
Did you know I offer a huge assortment of pretty printable prayer guides on my Loving Life at Home blog? Visit me there to download FREE copies of all the prayers pictured below (and more!). Parenting any number of children is hard work, and I cannot imagine being able to do a good job of it apart from the wisdom and empowering grace that God promises to provide to all who ask!
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