Travel Tips: How to Level Up Your Next Family Vacation
Our family loves to travel, and we do a lot of it. As homeschoolers, we view the world as our classroom, so every vacation becomes just one extended field trip. Below are a few of our favorite travel tips to make family vacations more economical, educational, and enjoyable.
Vacation Planning
I enjoy planning our trips almost as much as I enjoy taking them. Here are the resources I consult first when mapping our a road trip.

Things to See and Do
National parks, factory tours, state capitol buildings, science and history museums, botanical gardens — these are stops we try to fit in on every road trip, no matter which direction we’re driving!
How We Flew to Europe for Free
Not once. Not twice. But three times! We got a total of 26 free tickets to Europe and eight more to Hawaii. Here’s the 4-1-1 on how we did it!

Free Travel Games
Here are a few free printable games to play to help keep kids happy on the road during lengthy road trips. Fun!
Stress-Free Travel
From planning to packing to keeping up with your possessions on the road, vacations can often be more stressful than relaxing. Here are our best travel tips for keeping stressors to a minimum so your family can maximize the fun memories you’re making together!

Fun Destinations
Browse our suggestions for finding family fun — including a wide selection of free activities — in several of America’s most famous cities.
Even More Travel Tips
You’ll find our best ideas for fun and affordable family vacations all in one place when you purchase a copy of my new book, Pack Up & Leave.